Fishing, Coaching Baseball, and Auto Repair: A Conversation with Justin Porter

Fishing, Coaching Baseball, and Auto Repair: A Conversation with Justin Porter

On this episode of the Jaded Mechanic podcast, Jeff talks with Justin Porter about his life and experiences in Indiana. They discuss junior high baseball, fishing, and growing up in the area. Jeff shares his insights and perspectives on the automotive repair industry. They also touch upon the importance of offering opportunities to up-and-coming professionals. Tune in for some great conversation and reflection.

00:05:52 Stay passionate and persistent.
00:07:38 Business first, technician second.
00:14:08 Learn to spot patterns.
00:16:21 Investigate before rubber stamping.
00:25:44 Trust your instincts.
00:26:02 Networking is essential.
00:34:04 Gain experience through challenge.
00:40:46 Work smarter, not harder.
00:41:51 Four days a week is ideal.
00:50:03 Dysfunctional family atmosphere.
00:55:43 Family businesses declining.
01:02:26 Live and learn from experience.
01:03:16 Learn from experienced mentors.
01:10:34 Improve shop industry access.
01:15:56 Learn from YouTube heroes.
01:21:16 People make the industry.

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